Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Oh hey, it's me! Straight, white, cis gender man! I took some time off from watching the Big Bang Theory and playing flip cup to talk to you! I've got some stuff to say about this election. Normally, I don't get too much into politics. Personally, I don't really get it. I always sort of forget about politics. I am only registered to vote because this girl with a clip board made me.

But this election season I got really into Bernie! He was the man! He really stuck it to the system. I swear, the system is always out to get you. I was scrolling through Facebook one day. Most of the posts on there were about the Black Lives Matter movement. Those are on there a lot. Then, something caught my eye. I saw a link to a documentary made by this guy who figured out how the government bugs your phones and your houses! It's almost like the government wants to keep you distracted by always talking about Syria and abortion and stuff so you don't notice what they are doing!

So I loved Bernie and all his ideas about free public colleges and taking down wall street. He was the best. But, as well all know, he did not get the nomination. So now we are stuck with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Honestly, I think I might not vote. I don't love either of these candidates! I loved Bernie. How am I supposed to vote for a candidate that doesn't agree with all my ideas?

I loved how Bernie was out in the protests for Civil Rights. He's always supported those things. I would have loved to have been out in the streets protesting back in the day! Or I would have voted for women to get the right to vote if I was alive back then. I totally would have done all of that! Ever since Bernie I have really gotten into politics. I thought it was so fun! Me and my roommates are going to go as Bernie for Halloween.

But now, here we are, with Hillary and Trump. Honestly, I don't even see why the presidency is so important. Nothing really happens when new people become president. I've been the same ever since Obama was president.

My friend Cathy who is president of this feminist club or something was telling me why I should vote for Hillary, but like people just like say stuff about her ya know? Like she's sketchy, ya know? I don't really know too much about it. I could tell you any fact about any of Bernie's life though. I read a ton of articles about him and watched a ton of interviews.

I just watched the first debate and I didn't really like it. They just argued the whole time! I don't see why there is so much arguing in politics. I'm pretty nice to people and they are never mean to me when I am nice. I find it pretty easy to get along with people. I would rather just not be into politics anymore. It's not fun now. If I do vote though, I might vote for Gary Johnson. I think he's supposed to be cool.

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